Standing Order & Cheques

To set up a standing order donation to WERS follow the steps below:

  • Set up your Standing Order directly with your bank using details below:

    Barclays Bank

    Account number: 50 37 99 99

    Sort code: 20 - 59 - 97

    West End Refugee Service
    St Philip’s Vicarage
    St Philip’s Close
    Arthur’s Hill
    Newcastle upon Tyne
    NE4 5JE

    Download a copy here

  • Please complete the form below or click here to access it.


Please send a cheque or postal order (please do not send cash in the post) to:
West End Refugee Service
St Philip’s Vicarage
St Philip’s Close
Arthur’s Hill
Newcastle upon Tyne

Please include any relevant details about how you raised the money. For example, if the donation is in memory of someone, from a sponsored event, or if it is just a general donation.

We would like to thank you for your support, so your name and address would be appreciated.